CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. (October 16, 2024) — The University of Virginia Health Network hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony at UVA
Medical Center in Charlottesville, Virginia on Wednesday, October 16. Lori’s Store #660 opened in the hospital’s lobby area after a
renovation of the space. Hospital representatives and Lori’s Leadership Team were on hand to support the grand opening, along with
local reporters including Channel 29 News, which aired the story on television.
Eric Swensen, the Public Information Officer for UVA Health said “Whether you‘re a patient or you’re coming to visit a loved one,
a family member is here on the hospital, it can be a tough time. I think maybe making it as easy as possible for them to get kind
of, some of the items they need to sort of get through the day, and you know, make their stay here or their visit here a little more
The new shop benefits hospital staff, patients and visitors with its friendly atmosphere and incredible array of products; in addition,
part of the proceeds from the gift shop will go towards UVA Health’s auxiliary, or the volunteer nonprofit group that runs in-house
programs like pet and music therapy.
Lori’s District Manager, Dan Kuehn, said, “We are very excited to have our newest Lori’s Gifts location inside the beautifully
renovated UVA Medical Center. Our assortment of products, gifts and seasonal items have been very well received from the hospital
staff.” He went on to add, “We have heard so much positive feedback today, and guests have been streaming in steadily.”
Located in Charlottesville the University Medical Center is one of seven UVA Health entities, including a Level I trauma center, a
Level IV NICU, the NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, and UVA Health Children’s Hospital, ranked the #1 children’s
hospital in VA for the 3rd year in a row. The University Medical Center has recently grown, providing a six-story building expansion
and state-of-the-art facilities. UVA Health also encompasses 3 community hospitals, a specialty rehabilitation hospital, and an
integrated network of primary and specialty care clinics throughout Virginia.
Lori’s Gifts Shops offer a wide array of fun and practical products to make shopping convenient and enjoyable for patients, their
families, hospital staff, and volunteers. Featuring the latest high-end design elements, the store contains three unique shopping
areas with expanded product assortments for Gifts, Fashion and Marketplace. Lori’s is dedicated to bringing joy and comfort to every
person who steps into the doors of our partnering hospitals.
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UVA Ribbon Cutting, Channel 29 News